Talha Atique

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Hey there

I’m Talha.

Dental student,Web developer, and Mentors who love to write and take photographs.

Dental Health

How to take good care of your oral health and mainatin a healthy lifestyle.


Way to learn, apply and earn

Side hustle

Learning demanding skill that is need of the hour and using in in your existing profession.


Learning what to learn and making a hobby which is fun and productive as well.


How to efficiently execute time to done proper things and have fun to balance life

Self Help

Learning How to learn

Mental Health

How to take good care of your mental health and mainatin a balance to make efficeint use of  abilities.

Mental Health

Coping with anxiety, Depression and Trauma

How can I
help you?

I talk about productivity, getting good grades, boosting your career and giving 100 and 10 %. Check out to learn more about health productivity, side hustle and hobbies to make you feel alive.
I help people living their life


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